In the utilitarian society, humanity and morality are degraded and twisted. There is no inherent right and wrong in the society, and the foundation of the country is ruined. Furthermore, the traditional values of self-cultivation, discipline, human dignity and moral paradigm have collapsed, which results in the degeneration of humanity, the corruption of the country, and the crisis of human being. Therefore, we should recall humanity, rebuild ethics and morality, maintain human dignity, and establish a society of integrity and justice. We call on entrepreneurs, intellectuals, and upright people who have the sense of responsibility, to support the establishment of “Taiwan Heritage Foundation”, and to do something and share some responsibility for our history and for our future generations.
The mission of Taiwan Heritage Foundation is to promote good governance based on the principle of ethics and morality. The foundation also seeks to revive traditional Taiwanese culture that emphasizes honest, kindness, justice and freedom from all forms of subjugation.
About Taiwan Heritage Foundation
Taiwan Heritage Foundation (THF) is a unique non-profit and non-governmental institution, which promotes good governance based on ethical and moral principles. The THF holds those who in power accountable not only in accordance with the legality of their actions but also with their ethical moral standards. To fulfill its mission, the THF identifies problems of public concerns and draws solutions to them from the principle of ethics and morality. Founders of the THF believes that by adhering to ethical and moral principles, Taiwan can restore its excellent tradition for honesty, honest, and fairness, and become a great nation where the powerful is checked, the weaker is assisted, and the justice is redressed.
The THF seeks to promote Taiwan as a safe, fair, and prosperous society, where its people have the opportunity to achieve as far as their talents are bestowed, where its government does not abuse power to discriminate its citizens, and where all of its professions adhere to their professional ethics and consciousness. We believe that the most effective way to promote good governance in Taiwan is to follow the wisdoms and values that motivated our ancestors to settle in Taiwan. These wisdoms and values are also the most worthy of preserving and promoting in light of the great spirit of humanity. While accepting no government funds, the THF is proud of its broad base of support among Taiwanese people. Our vision is to build Taiwan a strong community, where opportunity, morality, justice, and economic prosperity are forever secured.
1. 舉辦『108年熊媽媽翻轉童玩成長營』
2. 舉辦2019『維護基本人性』系列講座
3. 舉辦【無限可能 台灣的定海神針】國際論壇
4. 舉辦第十一屆海峽論壇‧海峽百姓論壇
5. 舉辦『108年熊媽媽科學運用成長營』
6. 為促進台日文化交流及維繫友好關係 舉辦–台灣民間「日本櫻、榕、竹返鄉會」
1. 舉辦『107年熊媽媽超級特務冒險成長營』
2. 舉辦第一屆“傳統新韻”當代名家美展
3. 2018『維護基本人性』系列講座
4. 舉辦『107年熊媽媽尋訪秘境成長營』
1. 舉辦『106年熊媽媽探索新世界體驗成長營』
2. 2017『維護基本人性』系列講座
3. 舉辦『106年熊媽媽航海密碼探索成長營』
1. 舉辦『105年熊媽媽偵探尋寶心性成長營』
2. 與中華民國書學會合辦『2016丙申新春開筆大會』
3. 2016『維護基本人性』系列講座
4. 本會於105.8.4通過行政院人事行政總處審核,為公務人員終身學習入口網站之政府機關委託辦理學習課程之民間學習機構之一
5. 舉辦『105年熊媽媽偵探尋寶心性成長營』
1. 與中華民國書學會合辦『2015乙未新春開筆大會』
2. 2015『維護基本人性』系列講座
3. 舉辦『2015品格教育-熊媽媽兒少樂活品格營』
1. 與中華民國書學會合辦『2014甲午新春開筆大會』
2. 2014『維護基本人性』系列講座
3. 與國立中正大學政治學系合辦『候選人與選民的政治契約:2014年六都選舉候選人的政見分析』研討會
1. 與中華民國書學會合辦『2013癸巳新春開筆大會』
2. 2013『維護基本人性』系列講座
3. 與開南大學合辦『公民運動與公共政策:台港澳中經驗之比較』國際研討會
1. 與中華民國書學會合辦『2012壬辰新春開筆大會』
2. 2012『維護基本人性』系列講座
3. 主辦『倫理與公共政策:台灣與香港經驗之比較』國際研討會
1. 與國立中正紀念堂管理處合辦100年『家庭倫理公益講座』
2. 2011『維護基本人性』系列講座
3. 與國立政治大學選舉研究中心合辦「臺灣、日本、韓國選舉政網比較和誠信實現」